
Showing posts with the label value education

Loving Nature

  Have you ever, ever taken a look at the sky? It’s so beautiful indeed. You can see the clouds of various colours, like white, grey, dark, golden, purple, and many others. How colourful and how wonderful this planet is! You can find so many hills, so many mountains, so many rivers, so many valleys, so many waterfalls, so many forests, so many seas, so many birds, so many animals etc. Look at Nature; love her, respect her, think of her, imagine of her, dream of her, care for her, and live in her. Nature is so pretty. How friendly she is! Have you ever watched the beauty of the sunrise and the sunset? Have you ever looked at the smiling moon? Have you ever enjoyed the beauty of the twinkling stars far above? Well, can we ever forget the rainbow? When we look at the trees that are so green, we feel so calm, and we feel so happy. We then want to hold them with us. In this way, we love Nature. My little friends, let us all have a very good time in a trip with our parents and with

If I could speak to a bar of chocolate…

  I love ice creams; I love cotton candies or candy floss; but amongst all, I love a bar of chocolate the most. I wish I could have a little talk with a bar of chocolate… “O Chocolate, can you hear my voice? You are so tasty; you are so sweet if there is milk; you take my heart away in the twinkling of an eye; I love you a lot, O Chocolate. Well, my parents and my teachers scold me whenever I have you. Why do they do so? They say that you may decay my teeth; I have to listen to them most of the time. However, on my birthday, I receive a lot, a lot of your flavour and taste. Then, I feel as if I am the happiest one on this planet. Sometimes, on my way back home from school, I ask my Mom to buy me a bar of yours. Most of the times, she doesn’t, but it is not that she never buys me your sweet bar. There are lots and lots of memories that I have while biting you. Well, I must admit that I share you with my friends, because sharing means caring. I have learnt from the elders that ex

The Dream of a Little Boy (Part-II)

              Eureka! It was a tiny key. The boy put the key in the slot of the box. Thus, the box got opened.           All of a sudden, the little boy came to see that there was neither gold nor silver. While he was trying to find out what there was inside the box, he closed his eyes because of the dazzle coming out from inside the box.           When the dazzling light came out, the boy became surprised. What did he see?           He saw that the light turned into a beautiful fairy. Then she said to the boy, “O, little boy, I had been suffering from a curse for a long time. However, you have released me from the curse as well as from the captivity. I bless you that happiness stays with you always.”           After blessing the boy with happiness, the fairy disappeared.           The boy was as if under a spell. He was gaping at the light and pondering over the blessings of the fairy.           He asked himself, “Was I dreaming or did I see everything in real?”         

Who’s Mightier? (Part 1)

The First Part of the Story Once upon a time, there grew a huge tree. At the same time, there rose a tiny plant. Both of them stood side by side.           Time went by. Now the tree became so tall that it almost touched the sky. The tree, therefore, was full of joy and boast. Whoever used to pass by the tree applauded its stature. Such undue praises gave birth to pride in the mind of the tree.           Again, the plant looked too tiny and feeble. None used to notice it. Nobody praised it as well. The plant sometimes felt morose indeed. Yes, the plant used to feel demotivated from time to time.           One day, the tree said to the little plant boastfully, “O, little plant, look at me. I am so bold to stand in the air. I can even touch the sky. Can you not stand like me? See how mighty I am.”           The little plant replied, “I know that I cannot touch the sky. Still, I feel that I am safer in this way. Yes, I may be little, but I am very much happy with my height. I, too

The Golden Touch (Final Part)

  Thereafter, while sitting on the throne, he wandered what to do. Right then, his daughter came to hug him. The Princess said to the King, “Father! My dear father!” Then Midas replied, “No, never do you come to me, my love!” The little Princess, without paying any heed to her father’s words, suddenly hugged her father; he then touched to push her away, and she turned into a golden statue. This was too much for the King to bear. He wondered how to make everything alright again. Then King Midas went to Dionysus in a rush and begged, “O, forgive me for my sin, for my greed and everything. I don’t want gold at all. I have learnt my lessons. Please give me the remedy to bring everything back to life once again.” Thereafter, Dionysus smiled and said, “Go and collect some holy water from the river Pactolus. Then sprinkle it over everything that had turned into gold.” Midas followed Dionysus’ words thoroughly. Everything came to life very soon. Once again, there was life everywh

The Golden Touch (Part 3)

  After the stay in the royal family, after receiving such peace of mind, and after being under so much care, Dionysus, the Greek god, was really very pleased. He then asked the King to step outside with him and select one boon. King Midas stepped out with the old man and replied, “I would like to touch everything to gold. I desire such a boon that can give me a golden palace, golden river, etc.” Well, Dionysus granted his desire and blessed him with that boon. Still, he warned the King that King Midas would have to repent for it. King Midas hurriedly went back home to examine the power of the boon. Whatever he touched—his chariot, his books in the library and the flowers in the garden—turned into pure gold. Anyway, whenever he took his seat at the table and asking for food, those foods also became of gold. As a result, he could neither take food nor drink water. It was gold everywhere, but life was the requirement of the day. Then the King had a realisation of the warning of

The Golden Touch (Part 2)

  The King noticed that the old man was still there looking at him. At the outset, King Midas felt afraid of him because of the man’s weird glance. The King spoke to himself, “Well, I will fear no more. I will go forward.” Thus, after speaking to himself for a short while, the King went under the shade of that large tree. The old man stood up after viewing the King. Indeed, the old man was none other than the Greek god Dionysus himself. The King was unaware of the fact. Then that man told the King, “Could you please give me shelter for a few days? I have lost my way, Your Highness!” “I beg your pardon. But how did you know that I am the King?” “Oh! I found you in royal robes and became certain that you are none other than the King. Did my hair become grey without any reason?” said the old man. After exchanging a few more words with each other, King Midas agreed to give him shelter. The old man replied, “Your Majesty, I thank you endlessly.” Thus, King Midas welcomed the o

The Golden Touch (Part 1)

  It was long ago, when there lived a king in Greece. The King of Greece was Midas. Although he was the richest king all over his region at that time, he was extremely greedy. He desired more and more wealth, more and more money, and more and more gold.           As usual, the King went out for a walk with his minister in the early morning. It was not that much far away from the palace. Still, the King became too weary to walk anymore. After all, it was a scorching day of summer. The sun was shining brightly above their heads. The King began to perspire. So did his minster. Now both of them were really thirsty. Thereafter, they drank some water from the nearby river. Thus, their thirst was quenched. After walking a bit more, the King noticed an old man. The old man was taking rest under the shade of a large tree. Then the King commanded the minister, “Go back to the palace. I will come back there at the earliest.” The minister then replied, “Oh, surely, Your Majesty! Surely,

Rumpelstiltskin, the Dwarf (Part -- III)

  Once again, that dwarf appeared that night to help the girl spin gold out of straw. This time she promised him, “I will give you my ring instead.” Again, the King grew greedier and greedier. He decided to place the girl in another room. He told her to complete another round of spinning. The dwarf appeared once again. This time, he said, “This time you’ll have to give me your first child. You will become the Queen.” The innocent girl was certain that the King would never marry her. Hence, she promised the dwarf without any hesitation. With the passage of time, the King decided to marry her. Thus, the poor miller’s daughter became the Queen. Some months later, she gave birth to a baby boy. Then, one night, the dwarf appeared to her asking her first child. Anyway, the Queen begged him not to take her child away. The dwarf agreed on a condition, “If you can tell my name correctly, I will leave the child, for sure. But you are given three days only. You must tell me my name corr

Rumpelstiltskin, the Dwarf (Part -- II)

After the King had gone away, the miller’s daughter felt so shocked and puzzled that she kept weeping in a corner of the room. Four hours passed. Then, all of a sudden, the door miraculously got opened. Right then, a dwarf stepped in. The dwarf asked her, “What’s wrong? Why do you weep, buddy?” Then the miller’s daughter answered with sobs, “My father has promised the King that I would spin all the straw into gold. Therefore, the King has given me all these to spin into gold.” The dwarf replied, “Well, I can do this task for you. But what will you give me instead?” The girl could hardly believe her ears. Then the dwarf said once again, “Yes, you heard me right. But what will you give me for my work?” “I will give you my necklace instead,” she answered. Thus, the dwarf sat down to spin gold out of the straw. After his work had been over, he sneaked away. The next morning, the King opened the door with a bit of anxiety. Immediately, he found the straw turned into gold.

Rumpelstiltskin, the Dwarf (Part -- I)

  Long ago, there resided a miller in a village. He had a lovely daughter. However, the miller was poor. Hence, he dreamed of becoming rich day after day. Fortunately, the King was walking through the village one lucky day. The miller chanced to meet the King. He could not hold his tongue. Hence, out of extreme ambition to become rich, his tongue slipped out saying, “Your Highness, my daughter can spin gold out of straw.” The King became utterly surprised. He wondered how it could be possible. Then he asked the miller, “Are you sure of what you’re talking about? I wonder whether you are actually right.” The miller replied, “I can assure you that whatever you have heard from me is true.” Yes, the miller was really confident. Upon hearing all this, the King asked the miller, “As you say, I trust you. Anyway, can she be taken to the palace?” The miller gave his prompt consent. Thereafter, the miller’s daughter was taken to the palace. In the palace, the King showed her a r

Consciousness of Hygiene

  Consciousness of Hygiene “Maintaining hygiene is extremely important. A nation that cares for hygiene is a healthy nation, and what is more, is a successful nation.” Read the following story to learn how to maintain hygiene. Lucy Learns Hygiene Lucy was a teenager. She was such a good girl that everybody used to love her. Still, the only fault that she had was not maintaining hygienic habits. Her mother used to shout at her several times for the same reason. One day, Lucy had a severe stomach infection. It became blood dysentery. Lucy became really scared. Her mother called a doctor. The doctor asked Lucy, “Do you wash your hands properly with soap before and after taking meal?” Lucy answered, “No. Actually, never.” Her mother added, “I’ve told her several times to do so. She never listens to me.” Lucy hung her face down in shame. Then the doctor advised her, “I know that Lucy will become a champion in future, right?” “Oh, yes,” Lucy replied. The doctor

Controlling Anger

  Controlling Anger “Anger makes us lose our intelligence. It leads to violent actions.” Read the following story to learn how to control anger. The Skateboard Story Samuel was a teenager. He was the only child of his parents. Naturally, he was the most pampered one in the house. This led to his impulsive nature. Gradually, he was in the grip of tremendous anger. One day, he desired a skateboard from his parents. Anyway, his parents did not fulfil that desire fearing that he might fall down and hurt himself. Samuel did not understand that. Instead, he became so angry that he dashed his mother’s favourite antique flower vase onto the floor. The vase readily got broken into pieces. His parents did not tell him anything right then. However, in the evening, his father lovingly told him, “We know that you had been angry. But Samuel, that’s not the way to solve a problem.” Samuel replied, “I just wanted a skateboard.” On the next day, his parents gave him a skateboard. Sa


  Confidence “If we can trust ourselves even in the midst of turmoil, we will become successful, for sure. Yes, we need to be confident.” Read the following story to learn how to become confident. Making a Snowman It was a winter evening. It was snowing as usual. Mike was in his room feeling bored. His mother asked him, “What’s wrong with you, Mike? Why do you look so upset?” He answered, “That’s because it’s snowing and I hate snow.” His mother found it pretty unusual. She immediately asked him, “Why? Have you caught a cold?” Mike shook his head. “Then, why?” she asked him lovingly. “Mum, all my friends are busy making snowmen. Anyway, they can make them so well. But since I can’t, they tease me always. So, it’s better not to go out.”   Right then, his father said, “What if we help you in making a snowman?” Mike’s mother added, “Yes, we can work as a team, can’t we?” Mike replied morosely, “But they can make it on their own.” “Come on, Mike, learn the proce


The story-- "Henry, the Mouse" “Be brave, at first. Then you will surely succeed. Remember, the brave alone deserves the fair.”   Henry was a little mouse. He lived happily with his parents. However, he never went in search for food. He was growing up day by day. Still, he used to feel fearful of cats. Thus, one day, his father went to search food for the family. His mother was, them doing the household works. Anyway, Henry was reading a storybook. It became evening, but his father was not returning yet. They became extremely worried. His mother knew Henry’s fear. Therefore, she went out to look for him. Time elapsed but she was missing as well. This made Henry even more anxious. He thought, “Should I go out? I feel too scared of the giant cat. Still, I can’t live without my parents.” He made up his mind. He went out to search for his parents. He found them near the giant cat. His father yelled, “Henry, don’t come here. He will grab you too.” Then Henry

Think Positive

The story-- "Stuart, the Schoolboy" “Think positive always. Positive thinking leads to positive actions. They give us positive results and a positive life.”   Stuart was a student of class V. He was a very good boy indeed. He went to school every day. However, all of his friends used to make fun of him and laugh at him because of his short height. He tried not to care for those teases. One day, Paul, one of his classmates, pushed him and Stuart fell down onto the ground. This was really embarrassing for little Stuart. Most pathetically, Paul was making fun of him and laughing very harshly with the other classmates. This made Stuart feel very sad. He came back home with a heavy heart. He told his mother everything that had happened at school. His mother, then, advised him, “Why do you care for such teasing, Stuart? People are there to make fun of us. Remember, if you yourself stay strong, they will never be able to make fun of you. Do you know why?” Stuart asked, “


A short message to my little friends Hello, my little friends, Today I’m going to tell you something in the form of a small poem. I hope that you all enjoy it. Anyway, first of all, I would like to tell you that we should always treat everyone with a smile. Moreover, greeting has a great power. So, what are we supposed to do? We are to greet whoever we meet all through the day. Again, if we meet people with a smile and with greetings, we will surely be full of joy. So, greet your parents, greet your siblings, greet your teachers, greet your friends, and greet every people with a smile on your face. Today’s poem is on how to greet people with a smile. Hope, you cherish it. Stay well. Stay happy forever, my dear little friends. May God bless all of you richly indeed. Now you can find the poem below. The poem—“Greetings” Whenever one you meet, You should always greet. Greet your mother. Greet your father. Greet all and sundry