
Showing posts with the label Children's literature

If I could speak to a bar of chocolate…

  I love ice creams; I love cotton candies or candy floss; but amongst all, I love a bar of chocolate the most. I wish I could have a little talk with a bar of chocolate… “O Chocolate, can you hear my voice? You are so tasty; you are so sweet if there is milk; you take my heart away in the twinkling of an eye; I love you a lot, O Chocolate. Well, my parents and my teachers scold me whenever I have you. Why do they do so? They say that you may decay my teeth; I have to listen to them most of the time. However, on my birthday, I receive a lot, a lot of your flavour and taste. Then, I feel as if I am the happiest one on this planet. Sometimes, on my way back home from school, I ask my Mom to buy me a bar of yours. Most of the times, she doesn’t, but it is not that she never buys me your sweet bar. There are lots and lots of memories that I have while biting you. Well, I must admit that I share you with my friends, because sharing means caring. I have learnt from the elders that ex

An Open Letter to My Little Friends

My dear friends, It's been my first time ever that I'm writing a letter to you. How are you all doing? In this open letter, let me share a few words with you. I'm going to tell you something that I experienced in my life. My mum says to me, "Stay strong, no matter how bad the day is. Remember, such days give us lessons. We need to learn from everyone. There is no human being who can be said to have known everything under the sun." I need to know, I need to learn so many things from you, my sweet little friends. Keep in mind, none of us are perfect. So, we should not judge the others when we are not perfect. Instead of all these, we all must love one another. We are all friends, right? Well, we should share things with one another, because we are all friends. We should respect our elders always. Let's try to praise the others. We should not feel jealous of anyone at all. Then what should we do? We should participate in the celebration and encourage the winner.

Pretty Prattlers

  Hello, my little pals! I do feel so happy to speak to you. Maybe, I’m too old. Still, I love you all so much. Enjoy your childhood. Well, still listen to your elders. I tried to remember my childhood. Well, I’m still trying. Don’t let it go away. Still, keep in mind to grow up. Who can help you grow up? Your elders… Have a nice time. This poem is written just for you, my little fellows. I hope that you will like it. Have an amazing time always.   Pretty Prattlers   I love candy; All things are handy With a candy.   I talk a lot; I care not To talk a lot.   I love toffee, For it’s tasty, But not coffee.   I love ice, Roll the dice To have it twice.   I do dream, But do you dream Of ice cream?   Let me enjoy My time with toy; Let me enjoy.   I love to run In the sun; It’s such fun.   I’m told, I’m told Not to catch a cold; You scold, always scold.   You speak cold; I feel so bold; I do what I’m told.   I

Uncle Podger and the Picture–III

  Thereafter, everyone had to find the hammer for Uncle Podger. In the meantime, Uncle Podger lost the mark that he had made on the wall. The nail was supposed to go in there. All had to stand up, get on the chair beside Uncle Podger and see whether they could find it. However, they found it in a different spot, and Uncle Podger called them fools.           He tried to reach a point that was three inches beyond what was possible to reach. As a result, the string got slipped. Then Uncle Podger had to slide on to the piano.           Lastly, he got the spot fixed. Then after putting the pointed portion of the nail on it with his left hand, he took the hammer in his right. Right then, with the first blow, he smashed his thumb with a painful yell. The hammer got dropped on somebody’s toes thereafter.           Again, Aunt Maria observed mildly that the next time she would hope that he would let her know in time. If Aunt Maria was informed the next time when Uncle Podger would hammer

Uncle Podger and the Picture–II

  He looked for a handkerchief while springing round the entire room. But he could not find it out because it was in the pocket of his coat that he had taken off. Well, he could not remember where he had put the coat. Anyway, the entire household had to look for his coat, while he was dancing around. Moreover, he was hindering the other members of the family. Uncle Podger said in annoyance, “Doesn’t anybody know where my coat is? I have never found such a set throughout my life. None of the six of you can find my coat. I took it off just now. Not even five minutes ago!” Then he stood up and found that he was sitting on the coat. He spoke loudly, “Oh, you need not look for it anymore. I myself have found it now.” After half an hour had been passed in bandaging his finger, Uncle Podger got a new glass for the picture. Two of the family members had to hold the chair. The third had to help him up on the picture. Then the fourth had to hand him a nail, while the fifth had to pass hi

Uncle Podger and the Picture–I

None has ever seen such a commotion in a house except when Uncle Podger would undertake a job. Similarly, one day, a picture was delivered by the frame-makers. It had to be put up on a wall in the dining room. Aunt Podger asked, “What is going to be done with it?” Uncle Podger replied promptly, “No worry. Just leave that to me. I’ll do all that is required.” Right then, after removing his coat, he began. After sending a girl out for a few nails, he sent one of the boys just after her to tell the size of the nails. Thereafter, he shouted, “Will, go and get me the hammer.” Again he said, “Bring me the rule, Tom. Well, I need the step-ladder as well as a kitchen chair.” Then Uncle Podger said, “Maria, you don’t go. I want somebody to hold the light.” Then the girl came back with the nails. Anyway, Uncle Podger sent her again for a piece of picture cord. He shouted, “Where’s Tom? Come here, Tom. Hand me up the picture.” After that, Uncle lifted up the picture, but right the

Sindbad and Hindbad

  Long ago, there was a poor porter named Hindbad. He used to live in Baghdad. Hindbad used to carry heavy loads every day.           One day, he was carrying a heavy load as usual. As a result, he became tired and sat down to take some rest in front of a palace.           The palace was so grand that the porter became curious to know about the people living in it. He wondered, “How rich the people living inside the palace would be!”           Sometime later, Hindbad saw a passer-by. Right then, Hindbad asked the passer-by, “Who lives in this palace?           The passer-by replied, “The palace is of Sindbad, the famous sailor. He has travelled to a number of places or distant lands.”           After hearing everything with rapt attention, Hindbad looked up at the sky. Then he shouted loudly to heaven, “O, God, I am a poor porter. I, Hindbad, have to carry such heavy loads for getting every single meal. But Sindbad, right here, lives in such pomp and wealth.”           Then

The Dream of a Little Boy (Part-II)

              Eureka! It was a tiny key. The boy put the key in the slot of the box. Thus, the box got opened.           All of a sudden, the little boy came to see that there was neither gold nor silver. While he was trying to find out what there was inside the box, he closed his eyes because of the dazzle coming out from inside the box.           When the dazzling light came out, the boy became surprised. What did he see?           He saw that the light turned into a beautiful fairy. Then she said to the boy, “O, little boy, I had been suffering from a curse for a long time. However, you have released me from the curse as well as from the captivity. I bless you that happiness stays with you always.”           After blessing the boy with happiness, the fairy disappeared.           The boy was as if under a spell. He was gaping at the light and pondering over the blessings of the fairy.           He asked himself, “Was I dreaming or did I see everything in real?”         

Who’s Mightier? (Part 1)

The First Part of the Story Once upon a time, there grew a huge tree. At the same time, there rose a tiny plant. Both of them stood side by side.           Time went by. Now the tree became so tall that it almost touched the sky. The tree, therefore, was full of joy and boast. Whoever used to pass by the tree applauded its stature. Such undue praises gave birth to pride in the mind of the tree.           Again, the plant looked too tiny and feeble. None used to notice it. Nobody praised it as well. The plant sometimes felt morose indeed. Yes, the plant used to feel demotivated from time to time.           One day, the tree said to the little plant boastfully, “O, little plant, look at me. I am so bold to stand in the air. I can even touch the sky. Can you not stand like me? See how mighty I am.”           The little plant replied, “I know that I cannot touch the sky. Still, I feel that I am safer in this way. Yes, I may be little, but I am very much happy with my height. I, too

Christmas Gift (Final Part)

  The Final Part of the Retold Story Christmas Gift On his way back home, he met a few hungry orphans. Out of kindness, he gave some cake and chocolates to them. He kept a little of the cake and three chocolates for his parents and himself. After returning home, he found that his poor neighbour’s little kid was weeping. He told the boy, “Don’t cry, little buddy, please. Here, take some chocolates and cake.” The little boy gave a happy smile. Then John wished him, “Have a wonderful Christmas, buddy! Merry Christmas Eve!” John did not say anything to his parents. However, they came to know everything about John’s good deeds. That night, that is, in the evening of 24 December, the heavenly angels came and filled John’s house with delicious foods and many toys. What is more, God blessed John with all His heart. Then God said to Himself, “I’m so glad that you’ve been so kind. You have given the best gift ever to the children and to Me. Yes, this is the actual spirit of Christmas. St

Christmas Gift (Part 1)

  Once upon a time, there lived a couple with their only son in a tiny cottage. The boy was called John. John was a cheerful and agile boy. In short, theirs was a happy family. There was no kind of hassle in the family at all. In other words, John and his parents used to live happily together. Thus, time was passing on smoothly and without any worry. The three members of the family were sheer peace-lovers. Due to such an endearing atmosphere, John, too, grew up as a true lover of peace. He was very friendly and kind by nature as well. Again, he was an economical boy since his childhood. John was a very compassionate guy also. His favourite season was winter. Why? That is so because John used to feel more and more excited while the season Christmas was at hand. John asked his parents, “Mom, Dad, how many days are away from Christmas?” The parents replied, “It’s less than a month away, dear!” John exclaimed, “Oh! I’m feeling just so eager and excited that I can’t wait any longe

The Golden Touch (Final Part)

  Thereafter, while sitting on the throne, he wandered what to do. Right then, his daughter came to hug him. The Princess said to the King, “Father! My dear father!” Then Midas replied, “No, never do you come to me, my love!” The little Princess, without paying any heed to her father’s words, suddenly hugged her father; he then touched to push her away, and she turned into a golden statue. This was too much for the King to bear. He wondered how to make everything alright again. Then King Midas went to Dionysus in a rush and begged, “O, forgive me for my sin, for my greed and everything. I don’t want gold at all. I have learnt my lessons. Please give me the remedy to bring everything back to life once again.” Thereafter, Dionysus smiled and said, “Go and collect some holy water from the river Pactolus. Then sprinkle it over everything that had turned into gold.” Midas followed Dionysus’ words thoroughly. Everything came to life very soon. Once again, there was life everywh

The Golden Touch (Part 3)

  After the stay in the royal family, after receiving such peace of mind, and after being under so much care, Dionysus, the Greek god, was really very pleased. He then asked the King to step outside with him and select one boon. King Midas stepped out with the old man and replied, “I would like to touch everything to gold. I desire such a boon that can give me a golden palace, golden river, etc.” Well, Dionysus granted his desire and blessed him with that boon. Still, he warned the King that King Midas would have to repent for it. King Midas hurriedly went back home to examine the power of the boon. Whatever he touched—his chariot, his books in the library and the flowers in the garden—turned into pure gold. Anyway, whenever he took his seat at the table and asking for food, those foods also became of gold. As a result, he could neither take food nor drink water. It was gold everywhere, but life was the requirement of the day. Then the King had a realisation of the warning of

The Golden Touch (Part 2)

  The King noticed that the old man was still there looking at him. At the outset, King Midas felt afraid of him because of the man’s weird glance. The King spoke to himself, “Well, I will fear no more. I will go forward.” Thus, after speaking to himself for a short while, the King went under the shade of that large tree. The old man stood up after viewing the King. Indeed, the old man was none other than the Greek god Dionysus himself. The King was unaware of the fact. Then that man told the King, “Could you please give me shelter for a few days? I have lost my way, Your Highness!” “I beg your pardon. But how did you know that I am the King?” “Oh! I found you in royal robes and became certain that you are none other than the King. Did my hair become grey without any reason?” said the old man. After exchanging a few more words with each other, King Midas agreed to give him shelter. The old man replied, “Your Majesty, I thank you endlessly.” Thus, King Midas welcomed the o

The Golden Touch (Part 1)

  It was long ago, when there lived a king in Greece. The King of Greece was Midas. Although he was the richest king all over his region at that time, he was extremely greedy. He desired more and more wealth, more and more money, and more and more gold.           As usual, the King went out for a walk with his minister in the early morning. It was not that much far away from the palace. Still, the King became too weary to walk anymore. After all, it was a scorching day of summer. The sun was shining brightly above their heads. The King began to perspire. So did his minster. Now both of them were really thirsty. Thereafter, they drank some water from the nearby river. Thus, their thirst was quenched. After walking a bit more, the King noticed an old man. The old man was taking rest under the shade of a large tree. Then the King commanded the minister, “Go back to the palace. I will come back there at the earliest.” The minister then replied, “Oh, surely, Your Majesty! Surely,

Reunion (Final Part)

  While drinking some water from the well, his stones got dropped mistakenly into the well. It caused a great noise. The people of that place came running to him and said, “What happened? Where did that noise come from?” Hans replied after quenching his thirst, “I’m so sorry. My stones got dropped mistakenly into the well.” Then that man and that woman, whom Hans had seen standing a few yards away, also came running to the well. They looked at Hans as if with a surprise. Then the woman came to him and asked, “Are you a newcomer to this place?” Hans then replied after a short pause, “Yes, I have come here to look for my parents.” Then the man said, “Your parents!” Hans nodded his head and said, “I lost them seven years ago in a fairground.” Then the woman suddenly burst into tears. With tears in eyes, the man asked, “What’s your name, boy?” “I am Hans.” Then they drew Hans close to them and said, “Hans! Hans!” Everything, in the wink of an eye, became crystal c

Reunion (Part VI)

  On the way, Hans met a horseman. Hans told him, “I need to find out my parents. Could you please give me your horse instead of this lump of gold?” The horseman nodded his head. However, Hans was thrown off while he was pushing the horse to run faster. Thereafter, Hans came across a cowboy with his cow. Now Hans asked him, “Could you please give me your cow instead of this horse?” The cowboy said, “Why not, boy? Why not?” After a few minutes, Hans stood near moorland to milk the cow. He was really very hungry. Right then, a butcher was passing by. He said to Hans, “How can you milk the cow? It is too old to be milked.” Hans traded his cow for the butcher’s pig. Thereafter, Hans started again. On the way, he met a mason. Hans asked the mason, “Could you please exchange my pig with your grindstones?” The mason agreed to his proposal. The stones were too heavy to be carried. After all such conversations and after walking a long way, Hans felt tired and thirsty. So, he