
Showing posts with the label gold touch

The Golden Touch (Final Part)

  Thereafter, while sitting on the throne, he wandered what to do. Right then, his daughter came to hug him. The Princess said to the King, “Father! My dear father!” Then Midas replied, “No, never do you come to me, my love!” The little Princess, without paying any heed to her father’s words, suddenly hugged her father; he then touched to push her away, and she turned into a golden statue. This was too much for the King to bear. He wondered how to make everything alright again. Then King Midas went to Dionysus in a rush and begged, “O, forgive me for my sin, for my greed and everything. I don’t want gold at all. I have learnt my lessons. Please give me the remedy to bring everything back to life once again.” Thereafter, Dionysus smiled and said, “Go and collect some holy water from the river Pactolus. Then sprinkle it over everything that had turned into gold.” Midas followed Dionysus’ words thoroughly. Everything came to life very soon. Once again, there was life everywh

The Golden Touch (Part 3)

  After the stay in the royal family, after receiving such peace of mind, and after being under so much care, Dionysus, the Greek god, was really very pleased. He then asked the King to step outside with him and select one boon. King Midas stepped out with the old man and replied, “I would like to touch everything to gold. I desire such a boon that can give me a golden palace, golden river, etc.” Well, Dionysus granted his desire and blessed him with that boon. Still, he warned the King that King Midas would have to repent for it. King Midas hurriedly went back home to examine the power of the boon. Whatever he touched—his chariot, his books in the library and the flowers in the garden—turned into pure gold. Anyway, whenever he took his seat at the table and asking for food, those foods also became of gold. As a result, he could neither take food nor drink water. It was gold everywhere, but life was the requirement of the day. Then the King had a realisation of the warning of

The Golden Touch (Part 2)

  The King noticed that the old man was still there looking at him. At the outset, King Midas felt afraid of him because of the man’s weird glance. The King spoke to himself, “Well, I will fear no more. I will go forward.” Thus, after speaking to himself for a short while, the King went under the shade of that large tree. The old man stood up after viewing the King. Indeed, the old man was none other than the Greek god Dionysus himself. The King was unaware of the fact. Then that man told the King, “Could you please give me shelter for a few days? I have lost my way, Your Highness!” “I beg your pardon. But how did you know that I am the King?” “Oh! I found you in royal robes and became certain that you are none other than the King. Did my hair become grey without any reason?” said the old man. After exchanging a few more words with each other, King Midas agreed to give him shelter. The old man replied, “Your Majesty, I thank you endlessly.” Thus, King Midas welcomed the o

The Golden Touch (Part 1)

  It was long ago, when there lived a king in Greece. The King of Greece was Midas. Although he was the richest king all over his region at that time, he was extremely greedy. He desired more and more wealth, more and more money, and more and more gold.           As usual, the King went out for a walk with his minister in the early morning. It was not that much far away from the palace. Still, the King became too weary to walk anymore. After all, it was a scorching day of summer. The sun was shining brightly above their heads. The King began to perspire. So did his minster. Now both of them were really thirsty. Thereafter, they drank some water from the nearby river. Thus, their thirst was quenched. After walking a bit more, the King noticed an old man. The old man was taking rest under the shade of a large tree. Then the King commanded the minister, “Go back to the palace. I will come back there at the earliest.” The minister then replied, “Oh, surely, Your Majesty! Surely,