Uncle Podger and the Picture–II


He looked for a handkerchief while springing round the entire room. But he could not find it out because it was in the pocket of his coat that he had taken off. Well, he could not remember where he had put the coat.

Anyway, the entire household had to look for his coat, while he was dancing around. Moreover, he was hindering the other members of the family.

Uncle Podger said in annoyance, “Doesn’t anybody know where my coat is? I have never found such a set throughout my life. None of the six of you can find my coat. I took it off just now. Not even five minutes ago!”

Then he stood up and found that he was sitting on the coat. He spoke loudly, “Oh, you need not look for it anymore. I myself have found it now.”

After half an hour had been passed in bandaging his finger, Uncle Podger got a new glass for the picture. Two of the family members had to hold the chair. The third had to help him up on the picture. Then the fourth had to hand him a nail, while the fifth had to pass him the hammer.

After holding the nail, Uncle Podger dropped it immediately. In an irritated tone, he said, “Oh! Now the nail’s gone!”

Everyone had to go down and look for it on their knees.

At last, the nail was found. But in the meantime, he lost his hammer.

“Now, where’s the hammer? Ah! Seven of you are gaping there. Yet, none of you know what I did with the hammer.”

            [Retold a portion from Jerome Klapka Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat]

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