The Dream of a Little Boy (Part-I)


It was a dark night. A little boy had a dream.

          In his dream, he had found a golden box. Suddenly, he woke up from his sleep. Actually, the boy was feeling very happy.

          It was the season of winter. Anyway, the night being over, the next morning was there at hand.

          The little boy set out on a journey to find that golden box. He pulled his cap over his ears, because it was too cold outside. Then he walked on and on.

          There was a magical forest near his house. The forest was rich with beautiful trees as well as whispering sounds. Whenever a breeze used to blow, the rustling sound of the leaves could be heard and enjoyed.

          The little boy walked into the magical forest. He spoke to himself, “I wish I would get a chance to meet an elf, or maybe, the king of the trees.”

          Thus, he kept on thinking about his wish.

          Suddenly, the little boy was almost to stumble, since his foot had struck something pretty hard. Well, what was that?

          The boy dug in the ground. Eureka! He found a puny golden box.

          He smiled in extreme joy. But he could not open the box.

          Well, the golden box was locked.

          Anyway, a few moments later, the boy came to see that something other than the box was shining in the mud. What was that?

                                                          [Retold the story A Small Boy’s Dream]


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