Reunion (Part IV)


The neighbour used to say, “I know that none of you two will take these sandwiches. I know that there’s a lump in your throat. Still, I’ll say that you will not have to shed tears much long.”

Hans’ mother replied, “What did you say, Ms Darcy? He will come back surely. Yes, he will surely come back, won’t he?” She breaks down.

Hans’ father spoke in a broken voice full of sobs, “Yes, he will come back. He has to.” Now the only weapon was time that is the best healer every time. Day after day, month after month and year after year, they kept on waiting. Although they had done the paraphernalia before, none could give them any positive answer yet. However, time never stood still for them.

Seven years passed in this way. Hans grew up during this seven years all the more. Gradually, with the development of his brain and memory, he sometimes used to look down the past.  Sometimes, the entire memory of his childhood, just like a flashback, haunted him. The more the days rolled away, the more frequently he was haunted by the memories. Yes, Hans could easily recollect that he was away from his parents for seven long years. Sometimes, he used to ask the magician, “Where’s my Mom? Where’s my Dad? I wish I could get them back with these magic tricks.”

[Retold the story of Hans in Luck]


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