
Uncle Podger and the Picture–III

  Thereafter, everyone had to find the hammer for Uncle Podger. In the meantime, Uncle Podger lost the mark that he had made on the wall. The nail was supposed to go in there. All had to stand up, get on the chair beside Uncle Podger and see whether they could find it. However, they found it in a different spot, and Uncle Podger called them fools.           He tried to reach a point that was three inches beyond what was possible to reach. As a result, the string got slipped. Then Uncle Podger had to slide on to the piano.           Lastly, he got the spot fixed. Then after putting the pointed portion of the nail on it with his left hand, he took the hammer in his right. Right then, with the first blow, he smashed his thumb with a painful yell. The hammer got dropped on somebody’s toes thereafter.           Again, Aunt Maria observed mildly that the next time she would hope that he would let her know in time. If Aunt Maria was informed the next time when Uncle Podger would hammer

Uncle Podger and the Picture–II

  He looked for a handkerchief while springing round the entire room. But he could not find it out because it was in the pocket of his coat that he had taken off. Well, he could not remember where he had put the coat. Anyway, the entire household had to look for his coat, while he was dancing around. Moreover, he was hindering the other members of the family. Uncle Podger said in annoyance, “Doesn’t anybody know where my coat is? I have never found such a set throughout my life. None of the six of you can find my coat. I took it off just now. Not even five minutes ago!” Then he stood up and found that he was sitting on the coat. He spoke loudly, “Oh, you need not look for it anymore. I myself have found it now.” After half an hour had been passed in bandaging his finger, Uncle Podger got a new glass for the picture. Two of the family members had to hold the chair. The third had to help him up on the picture. Then the fourth had to hand him a nail, while the fifth had to pass hi

Uncle Podger and the Picture–I

None has ever seen such a commotion in a house except when Uncle Podger would undertake a job. Similarly, one day, a picture was delivered by the frame-makers. It had to be put up on a wall in the dining room. Aunt Podger asked, “What is going to be done with it?” Uncle Podger replied promptly, “No worry. Just leave that to me. I’ll do all that is required.” Right then, after removing his coat, he began. After sending a girl out for a few nails, he sent one of the boys just after her to tell the size of the nails. Thereafter, he shouted, “Will, go and get me the hammer.” Again he said, “Bring me the rule, Tom. Well, I need the step-ladder as well as a kitchen chair.” Then Uncle Podger said, “Maria, you don’t go. I want somebody to hold the light.” Then the girl came back with the nails. Anyway, Uncle Podger sent her again for a piece of picture cord. He shouted, “Where’s Tom? Come here, Tom. Hand me up the picture.” After that, Uncle lifted up the picture, but right the

The Amazing Sky

  Have you ever looked at the sky in amazement? Have you ever given it a thought, “How can it be so high? How can we touch the sky? What is the limit of its height?” Well, I believe that each one of you must have done these, haven’t you? Don’t you find it beautiful? Don’t you find it pleasant? Don’t you find it full of surprises? Yes, the blue sky is sometimes adorned with snow-white clouds. Well, then, it looks even more wondrous. Such an exceptional creation! Such an exceptional thing of beauty, true beauty! Such an exceptional mine of astonishment! Well, at dusk, why don’t we step out to enjoy the golden glow? Still, we all should recommend one another to ask for the permission from our parents, from our family. However, a gloomy, a rainy, a stormy, or a day full of adversity does demand our curious attitude to be fulfilled by our elderly people, for they care for us, they love us and they do protect us in each and every step of our life. Yes, we all need to enjoy natural be

Sindbad and Hindbad

  Long ago, there was a poor porter named Hindbad. He used to live in Baghdad. Hindbad used to carry heavy loads every day.           One day, he was carrying a heavy load as usual. As a result, he became tired and sat down to take some rest in front of a palace.           The palace was so grand that the porter became curious to know about the people living in it. He wondered, “How rich the people living inside the palace would be!”           Sometime later, Hindbad saw a passer-by. Right then, Hindbad asked the passer-by, “Who lives in this palace?           The passer-by replied, “The palace is of Sindbad, the famous sailor. He has travelled to a number of places or distant lands.”           After hearing everything with rapt attention, Hindbad looked up at the sky. Then he shouted loudly to heaven, “O, God, I am a poor porter. I, Hindbad, have to carry such heavy loads for getting every single meal. But Sindbad, right here, lives in such pomp and wealth.”           Then

Mortimer’s Undue Curiosity (Final Part)

            Mortimer fell down into the armchair. Picking up the old book, he, in extreme shock, recognised the book that contained the story of ‘The Midnight Express’. In great panic, he turned the pages of the book with trembling hands. Beginning to read, Mortimer came to find that the story was regarding a man, who, in his childhood, had read a book with a scary picture.           He tried to understand the strange cycle of events that he was going through. Filled in extreme fear, Mortimer asked himself, “Who was the strange man asking me to come into this cottage?”           The door got opened and the strange host entered at that very moment. The candle put on the table cast a huge shadow on the wall. Although the shadowy figure was standing in front of Mortimer, the figure slowly but surely came forward. Sitting on the armchair, Mortimer experienced a spine-chilling feeling. When he looked up to see the face of the figure, Mortimer heard the clock ticking in the hall downstai

Mortimer’s Undue Curiosity (Part 2)

            However, Mortimer was aroused. Yes, his instincts got awakened. He stepped towards the dark figure to look into its face. Mortimer became shocked to find that he was looking steadfastly into his own face.           Suddenly, a current of fear gripped his mind. Immediately, he turned. Then gasping for a while, he started running wildly. Stumbling out of the platform, he hastened down a moonlit street. Yes, he could even hear the echo of his own footsteps behind him. What is more, the footsteps were constantly approaching him. After taking a breath and a pause for a moment, he started running once again.           After some time, Mortimer found a little white cottage a little distance away. He kept on pounding on the wooden door of the cottage to seek a shelter desperately. Again, he could hear that the sound of heavy footsteps was nearing him. After the door had been opened, he saw that a shadowy figure was standing with a candle. Exchanging no words, the figure beckone