
Conserving Nature

  Conserving Nature “Nature is God’s creation just as we are. We collect everything from nature for the sake of living. Hence, we should always conserve her.” Read the following story to learn how to conserve nature.   Ricky’s Love for Nature Ricky was a student of class VI. He lived happily with his parents. Since his house was not distant from his school, he used to go there on foot every day with his mother. One day, while returning home from school with his mother, they saw a man cutting down a tree. It was a large banyan tree. All at once, Ricky stopped walking. His mother asked, “What’s wrong, Ricky? Why did you stop walking?” Ricky was full of tears. Yes, he was crying. His mother, at first, could not understand the reason. But gradually, she came to know why he was so full of tears. Ricky said in a sobbing voice, “You’ve taught me that trees are our friends. We should never hurt a friend, should we? Now look what is happening right there.” His mother c


  “Always be faithful to your benefactor. Remember, faithfulness always brings us true happiness, for sure.”   Read the following story to learn how to be faithful.   The Faithful Dog Once upon a time, there lived a rich man in a large palace. He was very wealthy but very unhappy. One day, he was feeling too upset to do any work. Hence, he decided to visit a sage in the neighbouring village. After reaching the sage, he asked him the reason of his unhappiness. The sage was in his meditation. He opened his eyes. The rich man asked him again, “Please, father, tell me how to find peace, a little peace.” The sage gave him a smile. Then he said, “Peace comes from within. Believe in God and love every living creature.” In course of their conversation, the rich man could find out his answer. Now it was time for him to return to his palace. After reaching his palace gate, he discovered a terrible sight. He saw something awful from outside the window. What was that?  


  “Honesty is the best policy. It pays us always. Honesty rewards us in the long run.”   Read the following story to learn how to be honest.   The Honest Grocer Once upon a time, there lived a grocer in a village. He lived happily with his family in the midst of greenery. One day, as he was in his shop selling rice, pulses, wheat and so on and so forth, he found an old man coming to his shop. They greeted each other. The old man purchased a number of items from the grocer. The latter was very happy indeed. The old man gave a smile and paid the money in respect of his purchase. Thereafter, he went away from the grocery. He was about to start his homeward journey. Suddenly, the grocer called him loudly, “Sir, you’ve paid more than what is required. Please take back the extra money.” Hearing this, the old man turned back. He came to the grocer once again. “Here, please take back the extra money,” the grocer gave him what was extra. The old man was really pleased


“Patience is bitter but its fruits are sweet. If we hold on, if we be patient, we can achieve our goal, for sure. Patience is always rewarded.”   Read the following story to learn how to hold on or be patient.   The Siblings Daniel and Jane were siblings. Daniel was the younger one. They were spending their days smoothly and happily. One day, while returning home from the playground, Daniel was feeling very upset. Jane asked, “What’s wrong, brother? Why do you feel so sad?” Daniel answered with tears in his eyes, “I know that I can’t play soccer well. Tom said that too. Everybody says that.” The elder sister advised, “They’re absolutely wrong in saying that.” Daniel said, “How can you say so?” Jane replied, “It’s so because I know that if you practise with patience, you’ll be the best soccer player in future. Just hold on, my brother. Just hold on and practise.” Daniel listened to her with rapt attention. Days went by. Daniel kept on practising with patience.

Aversion to Finding Faults

  Aversion to Finding Faults   “It is very easy to find others’ faults. However, it becomes that much unacceptable when that returns to us. We should try to correct ourselves, at first.”   Read the following story to learn how to get rid of faultfinding nature.   The Two Friends Sabrina was a twelve-year-old girl. She lived happily with her parents. Everybody used to love her to the utmost because of her gentle nature. However, nobody can be perfect. Sabrina, too, had a fault. It was her faultfinding nature. One evening, she was returning from the playground. In the meantime, she had a great quarrel with one of her playmates. It was a tremendous quarrel. She was very close to her home then. The two of them were shouting so loudly that Sabrina’s mother came out from their house to solve the quarrel. What was the problem? Why was there a great quarrel? It all happened because of her faultfinding nature. Sabrina’s mother calmed them down and said both of them lov

Controlling Anger

  Controlling Anger “Anger makes us lose our intelligence. It leads to violent actions.” Read the following story to learn how to control anger. The Skateboard Story Samuel was a teenager. He was the only child of his parents. Naturally, he was the most pampered one in the house. This led to his impulsive nature. Gradually, he was in the grip of tremendous anger. One day, he desired a skateboard from his parents. Anyway, his parents did not fulfil that desire fearing that he might fall down and hurt himself. Samuel did not understand that. Instead, he became so angry that he dashed his mother’s favourite antique flower vase onto the floor. The vase readily got broken into pieces. His parents did not tell him anything right then. However, in the evening, his father lovingly told him, “We know that you had been angry. But Samuel, that’s not the way to solve a problem.” Samuel replied, “I just wanted a skateboard.” On the next day, his parents gave him a skateboard. Sa

Hard Work

Hard Work   “If we work hard, we will surely succeed. After all, there can be no substitute to hard work.” Read the following story to learn how to work hard. Ron Learns the Dignity of Hard Work Ron was a student of class VI. He was very intelligent but very idle. He never wanted to study thoroughly and spend much time in this regard. Instead, he wanted to roam here and there all the time. Naturally, his results were never satisfactory at all. Sometimes, he used to feel too much morose because of his unsatisfactory results. One day, the results came out as usual and it was all the same. He came back home and asked his mother, “Mum, why can I never score good marks? I know that I’m a bad boy. I’m a dull boy rather, right?” He began to cry. His mother came to understand the entire problem. She patted on his head and said lovingly, “No, dear, who said that you’re a bad boy? Who said that you’re dull?” “But my results are always below my expectations,” Ron answered. Then