
Loving Nature

  Have you ever, ever taken a look at the sky? It’s so beautiful indeed. You can see the clouds of various colours, like white, grey, dark, golden, purple, and many others. How colourful and how wonderful this planet is! You can find so many hills, so many mountains, so many rivers, so many valleys, so many waterfalls, so many forests, so many seas, so many birds, so many animals etc. Look at Nature; love her, respect her, think of her, imagine of her, dream of her, care for her, and live in her. Nature is so pretty. How friendly she is! Have you ever watched the beauty of the sunrise and the sunset? Have you ever looked at the smiling moon? Have you ever enjoyed the beauty of the twinkling stars far above? Well, can we ever forget the rainbow? When we look at the trees that are so green, we feel so calm, and we feel so happy. We then want to hold them with us. In this way, we love Nature. My little friends, let us all have a very good time in a trip with our parents and with

A Letter about Ice Creams

My little friends, Today, I would like to share one of my sources of delight of my childhood days with you all. I hope that you won’t be disappointed with me while reading this letter. So, let me have a talk with you for a few moments, please! When I was a little kid, I was literally crazy about ice creams. Well, I must confess that such a divine taste never left me alone. Yes, I like them even now. Well, who doesn’t like ice creams? Out of all the flavors, I was fond of butterscotch the most. Well, it is funny to note that I love that same flavor the most still today. I can’t stay away from them. So, what’s your favorite flavor? Is it strawberry? Is it salted caramel? Is it chocolate? Or is it something else? Would you mind sharing that with me? It feels like there can be no end to our exchange of words. I believe that my words do try to touch all your little hearts. Yes, you may be little, but remember, you are no less than an elder in the case of your talent, in the case of yo

If I could speak to a bar of chocolate…

  I love ice creams; I love cotton candies or candy floss; but amongst all, I love a bar of chocolate the most. I wish I could have a little talk with a bar of chocolate… “O Chocolate, can you hear my voice? You are so tasty; you are so sweet if there is milk; you take my heart away in the twinkling of an eye; I love you a lot, O Chocolate. Well, my parents and my teachers scold me whenever I have you. Why do they do so? They say that you may decay my teeth; I have to listen to them most of the time. However, on my birthday, I receive a lot, a lot of your flavour and taste. Then, I feel as if I am the happiest one on this planet. Sometimes, on my way back home from school, I ask my Mom to buy me a bar of yours. Most of the times, she doesn’t, but it is not that she never buys me your sweet bar. There are lots and lots of memories that I have while biting you. Well, I must admit that I share you with my friends, because sharing means caring. I have learnt from the elders that ex

An Open Letter to My Little Friends

My dear friends, It's been my first time ever that I'm writing a letter to you. How are you all doing? In this open letter, let me share a few words with you. I'm going to tell you something that I experienced in my life. My mum says to me, "Stay strong, no matter how bad the day is. Remember, such days give us lessons. We need to learn from everyone. There is no human being who can be said to have known everything under the sun." I need to know, I need to learn so many things from you, my sweet little friends. Keep in mind, none of us are perfect. So, we should not judge the others when we are not perfect. Instead of all these, we all must love one another. We are all friends, right? Well, we should share things with one another, because we are all friends. We should respect our elders always. Let's try to praise the others. We should not feel jealous of anyone at all. Then what should we do? We should participate in the celebration and encourage the winner.

Pretty Prattlers

  Hello, my little pals! I do feel so happy to speak to you. Maybe, I’m too old. Still, I love you all so much. Enjoy your childhood. Well, still listen to your elders. I tried to remember my childhood. Well, I’m still trying. Don’t let it go away. Still, keep in mind to grow up. Who can help you grow up? Your elders… Have a nice time. This poem is written just for you, my little fellows. I hope that you will like it. Have an amazing time always.   Pretty Prattlers   I love candy; All things are handy With a candy.   I talk a lot; I care not To talk a lot.   I love toffee, For it’s tasty, But not coffee.   I love ice, Roll the dice To have it twice.   I do dream, But do you dream Of ice cream?   Let me enjoy My time with toy; Let me enjoy.   I love to run In the sun; It’s such fun.   I’m told, I’m told Not to catch a cold; You scold, always scold.   You speak cold; I feel so bold; I do what I’m told.   I

Uncle Podger and the Picture–III

  Thereafter, everyone had to find the hammer for Uncle Podger. In the meantime, Uncle Podger lost the mark that he had made on the wall. The nail was supposed to go in there. All had to stand up, get on the chair beside Uncle Podger and see whether they could find it. However, they found it in a different spot, and Uncle Podger called them fools.           He tried to reach a point that was three inches beyond what was possible to reach. As a result, the string got slipped. Then Uncle Podger had to slide on to the piano.           Lastly, he got the spot fixed. Then after putting the pointed portion of the nail on it with his left hand, he took the hammer in his right. Right then, with the first blow, he smashed his thumb with a painful yell. The hammer got dropped on somebody’s toes thereafter.           Again, Aunt Maria observed mildly that the next time she would hope that he would let her know in time. If Aunt Maria was informed the next time when Uncle Podger would hammer

Uncle Podger and the Picture–II

  He looked for a handkerchief while springing round the entire room. But he could not find it out because it was in the pocket of his coat that he had taken off. Well, he could not remember where he had put the coat. Anyway, the entire household had to look for his coat, while he was dancing around. Moreover, he was hindering the other members of the family. Uncle Podger said in annoyance, “Doesn’t anybody know where my coat is? I have never found such a set throughout my life. None of the six of you can find my coat. I took it off just now. Not even five minutes ago!” Then he stood up and found that he was sitting on the coat. He spoke loudly, “Oh, you need not look for it anymore. I myself have found it now.” After half an hour had been passed in bandaging his finger, Uncle Podger got a new glass for the picture. Two of the family members had to hold the chair. The third had to help him up on the picture. Then the fourth had to hand him a nail, while the fifth had to pass hi