Our Promises
Our Promises We love recess; We love verse; May God bless; Never curse. We all are friends; We do love all; Nothing ever ends With loving call. There is heaven; Yes, there is; Love be given And, too, peace. Never flee, never run; It is here; all is here; The moon, the stars and the sun Are our friends so much dear. We are children; We’ll grow tomorrow; We are brethren; There’s no more sorrow. This life, this life, This life is priceless; End every strife; Be full of kindness. We love to read; We love to play; Good’s our deed; Bless every day. We all sing; We all dance; Ding-dong-ding! We all prance. We are happy; We spread it all; We aren’t sleepy To grow, not fall. We obey our elders; We respect them; Sisters and brothers, We are the same. We love to share; We love to learn; We all must care; We none a...